The start is rather uninteresting. Biker gangs and gang rivalry don't really entertain me, I found myself skim reading the boring parts where they're just taking drugs and racing about. But then the crippled children come along and things get really weird. It was all a bit misty, things just happened because they did. Nothing was really explained! Even after six giant books, I didn't really gt why any of it happened!! But maybe that's just me.... Maybe I'm just slow.
For one thing, why did Kaneda get so heavily involved with Kei and all the other strange things? It just didn't make sense to me!
But the action scenes with the bikes and the guns and the lasers were pretty impressive!!
Who cares if the plot made no sense to me and I kept forgetting the characters names? Half of them died in impressive looking fight scenes or some psychic brain crushing! I never really grew attached to any of the characters because I was expecting them to die as soon as I turned the page! Not that that's necessarily a bad thing!
I was impressed with the art! Not for cute eyes and delicate clothing though. In fact, not for the people at all. The people all looked rather average to me with their short black hair and casual clothing! But it was their back grounds and panels that I liked!
Now, despite all fact that I've just spent the whole review discussing how average and normal this manga is, it must be good!! I can not exaggerate how long the manga is, and yet I finished it within a few days! But then again, all those action scenes are very easy to flick through....
I love the concept and the art is fine! But the plot is really drawn out, I enjoyed it and all, but I didn't really get into it! Maybe I should read it another time when my brains functioning better! Because I might enjoy it if I actually understand it!! Regardless of whether I was thinking or not, I found this series to be mediocre and obviously flawed! It does, however, make for a nice read!
(sorry, I had to use a video from the movie but oh well)
It does all make sense, but I agree you do need to pay close attention. And it is easy to get characters mixed up. It makes WAY more sense than the movie, I'll tell you that for nothing! And you're right, often the best bits of the art is the backgrounds.