22 July 2012


I contemplated not doing a review for this anime because it's so hard to form a review of this, but I'll try! The plot is all based around Rintaro Okabe, who dubs himself as Hououin Kyouma, the mad scientist. He has his own little imaginary world where 'the organisation' rules society and is constantly sending agents after him. He has a 'secret lab' where him and his few friends play along with his conspiracies and play about with their 'phone microwave (name subject to change)'. But convinced that they just sent a banana into the past the whole gang are whisked to the border of imaginary and reality. It's difficult to trust anything that's going on since the main character likes to play pretend. I think that this is a brilliant idea as it means your constantly thinking and questioning what you're watching. But it makes it kind of complicated as well, especially the first episode, I almost didn't want to continue to episode 2 because there was no sense at all in episode 1!! However, I'm happy to report that things pick up a lot from episode 2 onwards. It is still very illogical and confounding, but in a more entertaining way.

Steins;Gate has moment of very good art. Lots of good backgrounds and lighting and stuffs. And it has some weird parts. Mayuri's eyes and Kurisu's body. So I wouldn't like to sum it up at all. The character designs are really cool though, I especially like the way -- has 'belts' on her arms to hold her jacket up, it looks so cool. Okabe always wearing his lab coat is very fitting for a self-proclaimed mad scientist, then having the nerdy one be so fat just has to be really! I don't really like Mayuri though, she looks to boring for character.
But speaking of Mayuri's character, it's brilliant! Totally in a world of her own; so dreamy. Okabe is just a complete psycho. He forces every one to call him Hououin and even has his own little mad scientist laugh! Then there's Kurisu, who should be able to get on in ordinary society, but she ends up with all the freaks, her normalities are what make her different in this show (which is a strange thing to say!!).
Apoloogies for the short review (or maybe you're thankful for it) but this is one of those difficult to review shows. But I can tell you that I am already deeply involved in the plot and incredibly intrigued in the characters. It is difficult to get into and rather confusing, there's a lot of scientific words that I struggled to keep up with. However, if you do get into, you can hopefully see how good it is!!


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