5 August 2012


With nudity and gruesome deaths this anime is really not for the light-hearted. It's very hard-hitting in many ways. It's all about death aliens and boobs, in fact, it starts with two teens getting hit by a train while trying to save a drunk who had fallen into the track. Despite the fact that we clearly see their heads rolling, they didn't die. Instead they got whisked away by some creepy black blob into a room full of people who should have died. Next thing you know said creepy black blob (named Gantz) whisks every one away with the mission of blasting some kid aliens into pieces. Not too mention how messed the aliens are! That's your basic plot line. Just add boobs! Completely unnecessary boobs and perverted scenes that totally kill the anime for me. I swear, the girl (Kei Kishimoto) is just how Gantz makes money and I don't like that. But in the end, this show really isn't aimed at me.
The show should be renamed Kei Kishimoto and aliens, as that's all there is. The art is quite poor really. All the characters have such simple designs and the aliens just look stupid. The spring onion alien? Really? Have the producers really no better ideas than that? Since this is a violent anime though, there is lots of fight scenes of varying levels, the animation is quite sharp. The animation used for Gantz's transportation device is quite nifty, a bit like knitting a person.

I know this review is super short but it's a big problem when the anime's main focus is boobs. It makes it difficult to review. Which is a shame because there are some really good bits, like in the beginning where you hear every one expressing some very blunt (and truthful) thoughts. The pessimistic honesty is really cool, the darker truth! And I'm sure the concept could be quite tempting: "Half dead teenagers  are forced into battle with some fearsome aliens by the mysterious Gantz". But the aliens are stupid and Gantz itself doesn't seem particularly interesting! Good concept; poorly executed.


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