28 April 2013

Jang Ok Jung

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After LOENENT released a MV for Dream On You I was captivated by those beautiful scenes of cherry blossoms and Korean History so I had to look into the drama! It's based in Joseon, a state in Korea between 1392 and 1897. It's a pinnacle point in Korean History not only for the great technological advancements but   it's traits from this era (etiquette, language, cultural norms, etc.) that have most influenced modern Korea. It is commonly used as the best example of traditional Korean culture and has become a somewhat romanticized time period. Much like the Victorian age for us Britons! Even better, the characters are based off real historical people! My knowledge does not extend far enough to tell you how historically accurate it is, but it does add a whole new level of realism.
Now you're probably wondering when I'm actually going to start reviewing! The answer is: right after this synopsis!

21 April 2013

Ace Attorney (movie)

Requested by a desperate anon is a movie based directly off the Phoenix Wright games. Whilst this isn't the first Phoenix Wright related media, it is the first live-action.The plot is based on the first game (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney) when Phoenix Wright first becomes an attorney we see that he struggles to solve a case on his own. After winning his first court case Wright's mentor, Mia Fey, is struck dead and a witness accuses her sister, Maya Fey, of committing the crime. Wright now has to defend Maya against his rival prosecutor and childhood friend Miles Edgeworth. But when Edgeworth himself becomes a suspect in a murder Wright puts his differences aside and puts all his energies into proving Edgeworth innocent even if he has to go against Manfred von Karma who hasn't lost a single case in 40 years! In a world with a 3 day court system Wright has to gather evidence quickly and with help from his new found ally Maya he has to prove the innocence of friends and put the real criminals behind bars.

14 April 2013

Sword Art Online

When Nerve gear release their first fully-immersive MMORPG masses flock to buy the revolutionary game that engages all the players senses and is controlled by thought. However, after logging on the players soon discover that there is no way to log out, they are informed that if they wish to leave the game they must clear all 100lvls of the game. But they must do so without dying as death in the game equals death in real life  as the Nerve headset microwave their brains. The story follows Kirito a swordsmaster who had played in the beta and was actually the best beta player out there. After witnessing several people's death within the game Kirito is determined to complete the game and rescue every one from the game. Although at first shunned for the apparent advantage he had over normal players he eventually befriends Asuna, an equally powerful swordsmaster! Together they fight on the front lines to try complete the game but during there time fighting a love line starts to form!

7 April 2013

Tamako Market

Dera is a royal bird from an island in the South and he's been given the mission to find a bride for his Prince. But when he bumps into Tamako, the mochi makers daughter he decides to join the many occupants of Usagiyami District. Talking birds aside, Tamako is living a normal peaceful life. Growing up is never easy yet Tamako still fills her days with fun with all the occupants of Usagiyami  District. With her two best friends, Midori and Kanna, Tamako goes to school and Baton club while at home she makes mochi with her sister Anko experimenting with new flavours for her family's mochi shop. Also, just across the road is the rival mochi shop "Rice Cakes Oh! Zee" and home of Tamako's childhood friend Mochizou. But more than childhood friends, Tamako is Mochizou s crush!  But basically every episode tells the tale of Dera causing nothing but trouble while Tamako organises all manner of events to encourage more customers.