29 December 2013

Taberu Dake

What is it about Japanese dramas that make the so unusual? Unlike the omnipresent rich-man-poor-girl trope of Korean dramas my experience of Japanese dramas is much more diverse. I've seen dramas about High School Host Clubs, music school students, elementary students with precognition and monster-fighting magical girls. This time around, I've found a drama about eating. No, it's not about cooking, it's about eating.

22 December 2013


Have you ever heard of Naruto? Of course you have! It's extremely popular, but I can't stand it!! Know why? Because he makes Ninjas look totally stupid with his bright orange outfit and 'sexy jutsu', it's so uncool! For the same reason, I don't like Katanagatari. Whether it be the characters, the plot, the art or anything else, I loathe it all!
Allow me to elaborate: Katanagatari is based in Japan's Edo era where Strategian Togame is tasked with obtaining the '12 Deviant Blades'. However she's too frail to collect them herself and she's already been betrayed by ninjas, so Togame seeks the help of Shichika - a highly trained martial artist - to be her sword.

15 December 2013

Kill La Kill

I came across this anime in a very abnormal circumstances! I read a news article about a cosplayer who drew the attention of the police at an anime event in Singapore. Apparently an older woman was offended by the cosplayers 'underboob' and an arguement ensued. After digging around a bit I became quite intrigued by the costume. So, when it came to deciding what to write about for this weeks review, the answer came about too easily!

8 December 2013

Yowamushi Pedal

Summer 2013 bought us Free!, the swimming anime. But now we are in the Fall season, how can sports anime follow up a hit like Free!? With a cycling anime!! ...Perhaps. Yowamushi Pedal relates the story of Sakamichi Onoda, the wimpy otaku who just really wants to join his high school's anime club. However, to his great disappointment, the anime club has already shut down! However he was spotted by professional Imaizumi as he cycled home and managed to impress this serious cyclist. Then he met Naruko-another professional cyclist. After riding alongside these two great cyclists Onoda found a passion for cycling and joined the cycling club.

1 December 2013

Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi

"The Sunday Without God", a world were God is a foolish being whom haphazardly grants peoples wishes before abandoning the world completely. Thus the world is littered with humans who have been granted powers and nobody dies. Even if you chop some one's head off, they won't die. Unless you have a gravekeeper bury your body. It's in this strange little world that we meet Ai; a young gravekeeper from a secluded village. Her father ran off before  and her mother recently passed away leaving her in charge of gravekeeping.