28 October 2012


I'm not going to review anything today. Since yesterday was MCM, I thought I'd do a special post all about it!! If you don't like it or want me to change the way it's done, there's always the suggestion box!! :3
(photos, video and reviews will be added as soon as I can!!!)

For those who don't know, MCM is the largest comic convention in England. It's does anime, manga, video games, Japanese food, comics, films.... the list goes on and it's FULL of cosplayers. So it's pretty much heaven for my blog! It runs for two weekends a year: in May and October. But I usually only go for the Saturday.

21 October 2012

Kino's Journey

A strange philosophical anime about Kino, a boyish traveller and Hermes, her talking motorbike. Together they journey through a mystical land full of unique countries of all kinds of traditions. In all these lands Kino appreciates the beauty of the world in both it's brutality and oppression and it's compassion and generosity. Kino only stays in each place for three days and with the variety of the lands Kino visits there's an episodic feel. Kino past and character development don't mean much and the fact that Hermes talks isn't explained and it isn't really plot based. But all the unique countries and curious morals lead to an exciting anime regardless. I especially liked the land of books where a library of all the books of the world were kept, but they only keep books that are deemed as safe reading -Children's books or How to books. But a vigilante group are at work publishing 'illegal' books by the Author. "What if the reality is that this is the world of the book" think about that!

14 October 2012

Asura's Wrath

This is only my second time reviewing a video game. So look kindly upon it! Especially as this game is so weird and has so much in it!!
Combining religious figures, science-fiction and all different kinds of game play Asura's Wrath is difficult to explain. With half of the game being made of interactive cut scenes and being set in with episode structures I would almost call this an 'interactive anime' rather than a video game. The story is based in a strange past world where space travel is much more advanced, the earth-like planet Gaea has been over-populated and polluted and is now attacking the humans (yes, the earth started to attack the humans) in the form of relentless numbers of Gohmas, impure beasts. The only beings strong enough to  destroy the Gohma are the demigods, mainly the eight Guardian Generals. One of the eight Generals, Asura, is framed to have killed the emperor. His wife is killed, his daughter (the priestess) is captured for her power and Asura is sent to Naraka, a barren realm for the afterlife. With some coaxing from the 'Golden Spider', Asura climbs back to the realm of mortals with vengeance in mind.

7 October 2012

My Wife is a Gangster

Just finished watching My Wife is a Gangster and I don't really know what to say... Eun Jin is a legendary gang boss for her shocking skill with a knife, despite being female. But even her menacing threats can't help her elder sister when she is taken to hospital with cancer, little hope of recovering. However Yu Jin (Eun Jin's sister) wants to see some things through before she passes away. Just a small request for her sister. Get married. So her underling, Romeo gets his girlfriend to glam her up and they send her on a blind date, it doesn't go according to plan. But not all was wasted as Eun Jin then finds Soo Il, a push-over who was stupid enough to agree to marry Eun Jin. Now they are awkwardly married with lots of abuse thrown at Soo Il. That would be the end, if Yu Jin wasn't so spoiled. Unsatisfied with her sisters awkward marriage, she now confides to Eun Jin that she's always wanted kids. So Eun Jin literally forces herself upon Soo Il to try get pregnant as soon as she can. Eun Jin gets successfully pregnant and now she's set the task of looking after the unborn while being a gang boss.