3 March 2013

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

This is an anime I was told to watch aaaages ago for it's utter madness and it definitely matches to that. In the distant future humans are forced to live underground and must constantly drill deeper to avoid the slowly decending ceiling. But Kamina isn't like every one else, he's been to the surface with his dad and now he's determined to get back, with Simon's help. However after their plan fails another means to get to the surface arrives and Simon and Kamina are free to roam the surface with Yoko, the sharp shooter who enables their escape. Now their on a mission, to stop the mechas called Ganmen at the very root to save the underground villagers from the earth quakes they cause. Simon controls the head of a Ganmen named Lagann while Kamina controls a body called Gurren. To fight off the Ganmen Simon and Kamina must combine to form Gurren Lagann with their fighting spirit to produce any number of drills. It's all one big joke really. But it has the boobs and the mecha to interest a large number of males even with the ridiculous speeches, pointless transformation scenes and inconsistent plot.

The designs for this show are really awesome. Yoko looks unbelievably cool with  her red hair and giant gun and Kamina's cape and tatoos looks pretty neat too! I also like the visors they wear, I don't think they serve any purpose than to look cool! All the Ganmen are unique too and the beasts that control the Ganmen are even better!! Like the beasts that look like puff balls in episode 4. And I think Lagann (Simon's Ganmen) is so cute, running around as a little head. See, all the designs are so  fun and quirky. The animation is on par with most other mechas: focus is on boobs and robots.
The characters are all quirky too. I can't see much depth or character development, but they're fun the way the are, so that's ok! Simon is essentially just Kamina's lacky, just kind of copying his traits. Yoko is mostly there for fanservice but she has plenty of confidence for her character to make positive contributions to the show! Then there's Kamina a massive flirt yet extremely argumentitive. He's always going on about how he does the things he wants to do which basically means he's stubborn. Since the Gunmen are controlled by fighting spirit, it almost seems impossible for Kamina to ever lose!! Gurren Lagann is constintly getting extra parts and more drills. Kamina is always making ridiculous speeches about everything and I can never take him seriously. Which is a shame because I think some of them might actually be nice and emotive, but he is too ridiculous as a character to take seriously. But my favourite is Ron, a mechanic they pick up from Yoko's village. He's a transexual (I think) and wears make up and high heels. It was so funny seeing him flirt with Kamina and Simon! But he's actually super clever and is the only one who actually understand the Ganmen. I think he should have more of a part in the show because he's so interesting!
What I found didn't like though was all the inconsistencies. Like Yoko's personality changing every episode and the unreliability behind piloting a Ganmen isn't strictly kept to. Even though I like random anime, I do not like inconsistent anime. Although I love the character design, I do not like the awkward animation. There's also soo much fanservice, enough to make any one sick. There is no clear reason as to why I enjoy this anime, just reasons to take away that all important pie.


1 comment:

  1. I've watched this, I remember, kind of, disliking the ending and being con-fuzz-eled
