2 June 2013

Miyakawa-ke no Kuufuku

In 2005 the manga world was shaken by Yoshimizu's 4-Panel manga. When two years later said manga was bought to television it quickly became an international hit! That's right, I'm talking about Kyoto Animation's brilliantly funny: 'Lucky Star'. Ever since it found it's way to England the lovable characters and relaxed pace have made a name for themselves at conventions. So when I was informed that a Lucky Star spin-off manga is being adapted into an anime I had high-expectations; I can't say I'm happy with it though.

The show is about the Miyakawa sisters Hinata (older) and Higake (younger) and their financial difficulties that come from Hinata's Otaku tendencies. It covers Higake's life in elementary school as an impoverished child and Hinata's attempts to raise a Higake as a happy child without changing  her spending habits. Each episode is only 5 minutes long and there are only 5 episodes out at the moment so there is very little content to judge, but I figured I'd put this out while it's hot!
The Miyakawa sisters are the only characters that have any kind of impact: we briefly encounter Higake's teacher and a few of her classmates all with no commendable traits. But I was happy to see that Hinata is working for shop clerk from the original Lucky Star series. He's a particularly comical character and I hope he will make more apperances because he was a very underplayed character in the original series! There has also been a short cameo apperance of Konata and Kagami. It'd be a lie to say that I wasn't happy to see the pair again but their appearance felt decisively awkward - like product placement!
Also, with a slice-of-life based on a four panel there is unlikely to be any kind of plot developement so the entertainment value rest quite heavily on the sisters. Hinata has a maternal side to her which juxtaposes her otaku side. All the problems they encounter are caused by Hinata's spending but she still comes across like as a perfect motherly figure for Higake. I don't know, it all seems a bit fake. I much prefer her younger sister Higake who despite only being in Elementary school is incredibly cynical.She fully understands their financial state and tries to avoid unnecersary expendatures, ofcourse there isn't much she can do about her sisters hobby but her sophistication - as an elementary student - is totally novel!
So the characters are nothing special and the plot is basically non-existant so surely the comedic value is strong? Well actually, no. Not really. They really limit themselves by only having two characters. Hinata does something Otaku, Hikage comes out with something too sensible for an elementary student then Hinata turns all motherly. Then repeat. There aren't really many settings used either. It's just boring! There are moments which are really funny, like the ending sequence! In the first episode the song is cut off almost immideatly! Hinata explains that they don't have the budget to complete the ed yet. Every episode a bit more is added, it's not completed yet but it's still funny every time it cuts!! But mostly it's just boring and repetitive.
It's not all bad! The characters are very cute looking and well animated. I especially like Hinata's little bunny clip! Plus with both characters being voiced by new seiyuu's I'm very impressed by the naturlism in their voices.
But this is a comedic slice-of-life which should not be reliant on pretty characters and good voice acting! I think 4-panels are hard to animate well, they have no plot or character developement and are purely about snappy jokes. The erratic style of Azumanga Daioh and Lucky Star are both successful 4-panel adaptions. They have lots of loveable characters with give lee-way for cutting between jokes. Azumanga Daioh may be a lot more energetic than Lucky Star but there is a flow that keeps the jokes running. And this is significantly lacking in Miyakawa-ke no Kuufuku. The cast is much too diminished and there is no care given to the flow of the jokes. It has it's funny moments but in order to survive on just 5 minutes a week it needs something special. I probably will continue watching it but purely as a Lucky Star fan.


1 comment:

  1. I still think it was great. Wish it could have been longer.
