21 August 2011


This anime's been sitting around my room for a while now, It's about time I watched and reviewed it!
Gilgamesh is set in the strange world where the sky is a mirror and and computers don't work. It's all a bit weird and hard to explain, so bear with me.   The art.... is very odd. It's rather angular, and sometimes appears a bit warped. The noses are done a bit oddly and the eyes are a bit too wide in my opinion. But the eyes are very good for expressing emotion! And the animation is very nice, I'm quite impressed with their random fight scenes.                                           The characters are quite sweet. A brother and sister pair, orphaned and in massive debt. The girl's a snob at music and the boy pee's blood. Neither of them speak much, they look plain and rarely express emotion.  The other characters are more interesting, but there's so much mystery about them that I'm unsure of what to say about them.

Now, the plot... plot.... plot.... What was the plot again? Random science lab place announces they're shutting down, terrorist makes the place explode and turns the sky into a mirror (I really don't see the importance of that). Then you see the siblings running away from the debt collectors, they run into a random house and meet some very hospitable strangers. And then some people fight, and... and then it gets even more confusing and unrelated. I didn't get it at all. Just a stream of unrelated scenes. I completely spaced out during the long-winded explanations! But, I have only watched the first 5 episodes, judging by the preview it looks like it gets a lot better!
So yeah, weird art, bland characters, confusing plot. But I wouldn't call this a bad anime, in fact I think some people would find it really good! It's just really not my thing!


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